This bench is suitable for larger dogs. It is always nice when the dog has his own secure, familiar spot in home. Tis is possibly with a doghouse. When you as owner of the dog wants to do something which is easier without the dog always running in your way, then the bench can be used.
The materials from which the box is made are not toxic. At the bottom there is a drawer, so that dirt and other matter can be easily removed and thus a clean bench can always be ensured. Everything is made that your dog can't inflict injuries to themselve.
There may be a cushion placed in the doghouse so that your lovely dog feels even more comfortable. This cushion is well held in place thanks to the presence of edges. The Bench has 2 doors, one on the front and the other on the side. The kennel can also be folded together. The dog can look around him.
These metal indoor kennels can be placed in a house or in the car. Because there are 2 doors present, the kennel can be put in the car in different ways. because strong material is used, the dog kennels are resistant to biting off the dog and so you shouldn't be afraid that the animal can walk away.
- XS : 56 x 33 x 41 cm
- S : 64 x 48 x 54 cm
- M: 78 x 55 x 62 cm
- L: 93 x 62 x 69 cm
- XL : 109 x 71 x 79 cm
- XXL : 116 x 77 x 86 cm